Akiyo.nl | Fun

"I can't help it, I'm drawn that way."

Local time in Eindhoven
05:08 (05:08 AM)


I'm a bit of a couch potato when I'm not online, studying or working. I hate soaps and reality; I love animation, absurd comedy and (serious and less serious) science fiction.

My favourite television programmes

30 Rock

Liz Lemon is head-writer for "The Girlie Show". The relationship between Liz and her boss Jack Donaghy is, uh, well let's say, somewhat peculiar...

Jack Donaghy: "I want you on this, Lemon. Those jokes you wrote for my Mitt Romney fund raiser, they were top-notch."
Liz Lemon: "Those weren't jokes! That was an appeal for a return to common sense and decency."
Jack Donaghy: "Well, they got big laughs."



You could say I'm a film freak. I go to the cinema almost every week. I can't afford that, but fortunately, Studium Generale of the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), is showing a lot of great films in "De Zwarte Doos". Chances are that you'll bump into me there one day.

Photograph. Copyright © Robbetje®.

Campus of the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Copyright © Robbetje®.

Film quotes

I'm a collector of film quotes. I'll try to publish one on this web page every day.

This one's from Forrest Gump (1994)...

Jenny Curran: "Do you ever dream, Forrest, about who you're gonna be?"
Forrest Gump: "Who I'm gonna be?"
Jenny Curran: "Yeah."
Forrest Gump: "Aren't-aren't I going to be me?"

Mijn favoriete films

Alien (Ridley Scott, 1979)

Meet the 'face hugger' and 'chest burster'.
